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Christmas Bird Counts of 1922: Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

Northern Cardinal in the Bronx Winter 2005

29 December 2022

Bird Notes: New Year's Day weather looks good: Forecast is for mild and clear. Hope to see you on Sunday at 9:30am (Dock on Turtle Pond) no matter how nice 2023 begins...You can always find all our bird walks here: SCHEDULE and Meeting Locations HERE. Finally, the next Newsletter will likely be 10 January.

In our Historical Notes we send all results of the 1922 CONNECTICUT and NEW JERSEY Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) for that December. As we read the numbers from these counts done 100 years ago, we are often more amazed at what is not reported than what is: the number of birds we take as common in Central Park in December 2022 are rare or missing from Connecticut counts in 1922 such as Cardinals, Titmice, and White-throated Sparrows (+ Fox Sparrows), Blue-jays and even American Robins. On the other hand, several Conn. counts report owls, especially Barred Owl and Eastern Screech-owl (but no Great Horned Owls - our most common owl in NYC today). And one count (South Windsor, Conn.) recorded a Northern Goshawk. (I can remember two through the years in NYC CBCs: one at Pelham Bay Park, December 1986 or so; and one in Central Park December 1990 or so). Other birds more common on CBCs in December 1922 in Conn., than in NYC this century, were American Tree Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark. Northern Shrikes get reported (rarely) as well. Finally, for a year (1922) in which there was a Pine Siskin irruption in the lower 48, I don't see any mentioned of siskins on these Conn. CBCs. Perhaps I missed something?

On the New Jersey CBCs in December 1922 we read about Cardinals, Robins, Carolina Wrens...White-throated Sparrows and Song Sparrows (common), Brown Creeper, Tufted Titmice - species we see on Central Park CBCs regularly in the time frame 1990-2022. Bluebirds were common and widespread in NJ that winter. There are also mentions of Carolina Chickadees, still found on CBCs in NJ today. But we are surprised at the absence of Snowy Owl and Harlequin Duck, and low numbers of Long-tailed Duck and all three scoter species. Perhaps hunting kept waterfowl species in remote places away from gunners and bird counters? Pine Siskins appear on some counts - as well as Eastern Meadowlarks that would create a stir today...and again, high numbers of American Tree Sparrows. We just don't understand what happened to the latter in the last century?

And since we've asked you to travel further afield for the CBC results of 1922...we bring it back home with a summary of the birds and weather in NYC, 15 October to 15 December, 1922: the arrival and departure of flocks of Pine well as lone, cold hardy Grey Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Hermit Thrush and Eastern Towhee. Species if seen today in late December (2022) anywhere in NYC would not raise an eyebrow.

(above) African Wood Owl Caprivi Strip, Namibia, 16 November 2022 Deborah Allen

Pearl-spotted Owlet Botswana (Chobe National Park), 27 November 2022 Deborah Allen

Bird Walks for Early January 2023

All Walks @ $10/person

Directions to All Meeting Locations can be found: (Click) here

1. Sunday, 1 January 2023 at 9:30am. Bird Walk. Meet at the Dock on Turtle Pond $10. The Dock on Turtle Pond is located mid-park at 79th street opposite Belvedere Castle.


2. Sunday, 8 January at 9:30am. Bird Walk. Meet at the Dock on Turtle Pond $10. The Dock on Turtle Pond is located mid-park at 79th street opposite Belvedere Castle.


3. Sunday, 15 January at 9:30am. Bird Walk. Meet at the Dock on Turtle Pond $10. The Dock on Turtle Pond is located mid-park at 79th street opposite Belvedere Castle.

​Call (718-828-8262/home) or Email us with questions:


The fine print: Our walks on weekends meet at 7:30/9:30am at the Boathouse Restaurant (approx. 74th street and the East Drive) until and including 30 October. Starting Sunday 6 November, we have 9:30am walks only meeting at the Dock on Turtle Pond. Check the Meeting Locations (CLICK HERE) page of our web site for detailed directions.

Our home phone is 718-828-8262...and Deborah's cell is: 347-703-5554. Email is ( If you are lost and trying to get to the bird walk, call Deborah's cell phone...but remember on weekends there will be 2-3 other people calling who are also lost - please be patient. If in doubt about whether a walk will take place or not the morning of the walk: check the main landing page of this web site as well as the "Schedule" page - if the walk is cancelled, information will be posted there by 6am the day of the walk, and usually by 11pm the night before. If still confused and as a last resort, call us at home - if no one answers it means we left for the bird walk. Walks last about 2.5 hrs (less if hot or rainy), and you can leave at anytime - we won't be offended. If you need directions or help to your next destination, just ask someone on the walk - we aim to please. We end all our Central Park walks (except Fridays) near the Boathouse at about noon; Please note: the Boathouse Restaurant/Cafe (and even the outdoor Bathrooms) are CLOSED until March 2023.

Ring-necked Duck (female) at the Reservoir (Central Park) 27 Dec. 2012 Deborah Allen

(below) American Woodcock Central Park on 2 January 2009 Deborah Allen

Here is what we saw last week - some brief highlights:

25 December 2022 (Sunday): There is no list for today because the 15 or so folks from our group were just trying to survive, let alone find birds. It was cold (about 10F at start) and windy...and overall bleak. About the best thing we did was feed the Titmice and Chickadees in the Ramble - and let David find for us the lone Great Horned Owl faced into the sun on Cedar Hill (79th street - but a distant look). If there were highlights it was the ducks on the Reservoir (Deborah found a female Ring-necked Duck - photo above in this Newsletter): most waterfowl species responded to the calls from my speaker to come in close including Ruddy Duck, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser and a flyby male Bufflehead. Then we went home to warmth and approach of the New Year.

Deborah's List of Birds for Sunday, 18 December: Not This Week!

American Crow at Pelham Bay Park (the Bronx) on 26 December 2022 Deborah Allen

(below) American Robin in Central Park (Sparrow Rock) 10 January 2011 Deborah Allen


Connecticut/New Jersey CBCs in December 1922

Bird-Lore's Twenty-third Christmas Census [December 1922]

Edited by J. T. NICHOLS

THE highest number of species recorded in this census in Canada, is 33 at London, Ont., a combined list by eight parties working independently.

In the Northern and Middle Atlantic States, Orient, Long Island, leads with 45 (one observer); comparable, in the northern Mississippi Valley with 36 at Youngstown, Ohio (or a combined total of 37 by the Wheaton Club, Columbus, Ohio). Nashville, Tennessee has 54; Barachias, Alabama, 53 (one observer); San Diego, Calif., leads on the Pacific Coast with 112.

Abundance of the Pine Siskin in Quebec and Ontario, and its frequency to the Virginias, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin is notable. In 94 lists from New England and Middle Atlantic States it is mentioned in 35 (that is well over one third) with a total of some 1,000 individuals; whereas in 83 such lists for the previous year it occurred in only 5 (less than 1\16) with a total of only 100. Stragglers of several species are met with north of their normal winter range, particularly the Towhee; Ontario, once (two individuals); Massachusetts, twice (2); Connecticut, once (1); Southern N.Y., three times (7); New Jersey, twice (7); Pennsylvania, once (4); Ohio, four times (12); Indiana, twice (4). This year over 40 reports were received too late for publication. Some were mailed too late, others were wrongly addressed. There were doubtless a number, however, delayed by some unavoidable contingency, and to the authors of these, especially, we express our regret.

All Connecticut and New Jersey Christmas Bird Counts, December 1922:

Bristol, Connecticut. (Northeast section). 24 December 1922; 7A.M. to 4P.M. Sky about one-fourth overcast; 5 inches crusted old snow (not quite hard enough to bear one's weight); calm, at start. Wind southwest, light, at noon and at return; temp. 30F at start, 42F at return. About 10 miles on foot, and 2 miles by auto, on return. R. W. Ford and the writer together until noon, and the last 2 miles in his car. Eastern Screech Owl, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 4; Blue Jay, 33; Crow, 26; Starling, 111; Meadowlark, 6; Rusty Blackbird (belated; feeding at open hole in swamp), 1; American Goldfinch, 1; [American] Tree Sparrow, 72; Junco, 15; Song Sparrow, 5; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; Black-capped Chickadee, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 4; Robin, 1. Total, 17 species, 289 individuals.

Frank Bruen and Royal W. Ford. -------------- Fairfield, Conn. (Birdcraft Sanctuary to Fairfield Beach). 25 December 1922; 8A.M. to 4P.M. Ground bare; temp. 35F. Herring Gull, 200; Golden-eye, 12; Old-squaw [Long-tailed Duck], 40; Surf Scoter, 2; White-winged Scoter, 30; Black-crowned Night Heron, 8; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 2; Downy Woodpecker, 5; [Northern] Flicker, 1; Blue Jay, 12; Crow, 6; Starling, 200 (flock); Purple Finch, 9; Goldfinch, 12; White-throated Sparrow, 6; [American] Tree Sparrow, 3; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 20; Song Sparrow, 6; Fox Sparrow, 1; [Eastern] Towhee, 1; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 5; Robin, 2. Total, 24 species, 577 individuals. A Pipit seen on December 23.

Frank Norak.

------------------ Fairfield and Westport, Conn. 26 December 1922; 8.30A.M. to 4.15P.M. Cloudy, clearing in the afternoon, but with fog along the coast throughout the day; ground bare; wind southwest, light to medium. Temp. 38F to 44F. Eighteen miles on foot. Horned Grebe, 6; Black-backed Gull, 4; Herring Gull, 452; Red-breasted Merganser, 1; Black Duck, 7; Scaup Duck, 35; Golden-eye, 18; Old-squaw, 11; White-winged Scoter, 21; Surf Scoter, 2; Marsh Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Belted Kingfisher, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 3; Horned Lark, 24; Blue Jay, 9; Crow, 6; Starling, 106; Purple Finch, 4; Snow Bunting, 1; [American] Tree Sparrow, 87; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 17; Song Sparrow, 13; Myrtle Warbler, 2; Brown Creeper, 3; White-breasted Nuthatch, 4; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 5. Total, 27 species, 845 individuals. Pine Siskins were abundant 24 December. Chickadees are very scarce.

Aretas A. Saunders. ----------------------- Hartford, Conn. 25 December 1922; 11A.M. to 1.30P.M. Partly cloudy; ground snow-covered; no wind; temp. 38F. Ruffed Grouse, 2; Barred Owl, 2; Eastern Screech Owl, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 3; Blue Jay, 25; Crow, 173; Starling, 37; Goldfinch, 24; Tree Sparrow, 56; Slate-colored Junco, 65; White-breasted Nuthatch, 5; Chickadee, 17. Total, 13 species, 412 individuals.

Clifford M. Case. ------------------------- West Hartford, Conn. 24 December 1922; 7A.M. to 1P.M. Partly cloudy; 8 in. of snow and ice, covered with a breaking crust; wind light and variable; temp. 28F at start, 40F at return. Ten miles on foot. Ruffed Grouse, 3; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Barred Owl, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 3; Northern Pileated Woodpecker, 2; Blue Jay, 38; Crow, 175; Starling, 135; Redpoll, 75; Goldfinch, 10; Tree Sparrow, 55; Dark-eyed Junco, 33; Song Sparrow, 8; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; Chickadee, 2. Total, 16 species, 534 individuals.

Edwin H. Munger. ------------------------- Meriden, Conn. 25 December 1922; 1P.M. to 4.30 P.M. Partly cloudy, gradually clearing; 3 inches of crusted snow on ground; no wind; temp. 40F to 35F; 5 to 6-mile hike on outskirts of residential section and in farming district. Downy Woodpecker, 4; Crow, 9 (afternoon flight north); Starling, 200+; Eastern Meadowlark, 3; Goldfinch, 125+; Tree Sparrow, 5; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 3; Song Sparrow, 2. Total, 8 species, over 351 individuals.

Lester W. Smith. ------------------------ New Haven, Conn. (East Rock, Edgewood, and West Rock Parks). 23 December 1922; 9A.M. to 12P.M and 1P.M. to 5.30P.M. Clear; ground lightly covered with crusted snow that fell a week ago; ice on Lake Whitney, but small streams still open; temp. around 40F all day; Twelve miles on foot. Black-crowned Night Heron, 3; Hawk (Red-shouldered or Red-tailed), 2; Belted Kingfisher, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 6; Northern Flicker, 1; Blue Jay, 6; Crow, 7; Starling, 100; Grackle, 2; American Goldfinch, 1; Tree Sparrow, 45; Slate-colored Junco, 40; Song Sparrow, 3; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 1; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3. Total, 16 species, about 223 individuals. Herring Gulls are fairly common, and there is a flock of White-throated Sparrows wintering here, but neither species could be found today.

Henry Bull. --------------------- New London, Conn. 23 December 1922; 9.40A.M. to 4P.M. Cloudy, then clear and then cloudy again with a snow flurry; ground bare, almost no wind till Afternoon, then light west; temp. 36F. Groton Long Point by car and back on foot; walk of 8 miles. Horned Grebe, 13; Northern [Common] Loon, 2; Black-Backed Gull, 1; Herring Gull, 57; American [Greater] Scaup Duck, 130; American [Common] Golden-eye, 8; American [Black] Scoter, 9; Great Blue Heron, 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Belted Kingfisher, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 1; [Northern] Flicker, 1; American Crow, 30; Starling, 20; [Eastern] Meadowlark, 5; Snow Bunting, 15; [American] Tree Sparrow, 2; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 3; Song Sparrow, 5; [Black-capped] Chickadee, 2. Total, 20 species, 307 individuals.

Frances Miner Graves.

-------------------- South Windsor, Conn. 25 December 1922; five hours. Morning cloudy, about 4 inches snow, covered with ice, walking difficult; afternoon: fair; wind west; temp. 30F to 40F. About seven miles covered. Herring Gull, 9; American [Common] Merganser, 20; Black Duck, 2; [Bobwhite] Quail, 12; Ring-necked Pheasant, 4; [Northern] Goshawk, 1; Red-tailed Hawk, 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 4; Long-eared Owl, 1; Short-eared Owl, 1; Eastern Screech Owl, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 4; Blue Jay, 10; Crow, 85; Starling, 45; Eastern Meadowlark, 6; Purple Finch, (est.) 100; Goldfinch (est.), 75; [American] Tree Sparrow (est.), 125; Song Sparrow, 15; Swamp Sparrow, 3; Northern Shrike, 1; Brown Creeper, 4; White-breasted Nuthatch, 6. Total, 25 species, about 537 individuals.

C.W. Vibert.

------------------------- Stratford, Conn. 24 December 1922; 1P.M. to 2P.M. Clear; 4 inches snow on ground; temp. 40F. Area about mile square. Ruffed Grouse, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 12; Blue Jay, 6; Crow, 10; Purple Finch, 15; Goldfinch, 10; Pine Siskin, 50; [American] Tree Sparrow, 15; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 30; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 1; Black-capped Chickadee, 5; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 1; Hermit Thrush, 2; Robin, 8. Total, 14 species, 157 individuals.

Wilbur F. Smith. American Tree Sparrow Central Park 30 Dec. 2012 Deborah Allen

New Jersey, December 1922

Cape May, N. J. 24 December 1922; 9.45A.M. to 5P.M. Clear; wind cast, light; temp. 38F to 50F. Horned Grebe, 4; Pied-billed Grebe, 1; [Common] Loon, 1; Red-throated Loon, 2; Herring Gull, 20; Ring-billed Gull, 1; Bonaparte's Gull, 4; Red-breasted Merganser, 1; Bufflehead, 3; Old-squaw [Long-tailed Duck], 5; Scoter, 6 (2 dead on the beach "oiled"); White-winged Scoter, 8; Surf Scoter, 8; Mourning Dove, 1; Marsh Hawk, 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 3; [Belted] Kingfisher, 1; Red-headed Woodpecker, 1; Horned Lark, 3; Crow, 25; Starling, 50; [Eastern] Meadowlark, 10; [American] Goldfinch, 4; Pine Siskin, 50; Savannah Sparrow, 20; Ipswich Sparrow, 1; Sharp-tailed Sparrow, 3; White-throated Sparrow, 8; [American] Tree Sparrow, 20; Chipping Sparrow, 1 (a very close view obtained); [Dark-eyed] Junco, 20; Song Sparrow, 3; Fox Sparrow, 3; [Eastern] Towhee, 6; [Northern] Cardinal, 2; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 34; [American] Pipit, 2; Carolina Wren, 1; Long-billed Marsh Wren, 3; Carolina Chickadee, 2; Hermit Thrush, 1; [Eastern] Bluebird, 1. Total, 43 species, 345 individuals.

Julian K. Potter. -------------------- Elizabeth, N. J. (between shores of Newark Bay and Milburn). 24 December 1922; 6.45A.M. to 5.15P.M. Clear; little wind; snow patches; temp. 30F at start, very mild at mid-day; 38F at return. Insects, both flying and crawling, unusually abundant for season. About 16 miles on foot. Herring Gull, 325; Ring-billed Gull, 4 (seen at close range on flat with Herring Gulls); Bonaparte's Gull, 130; Black Duck, 3; Ring-necked Pheasant, 1; Marsh Hawk, 2; Accipiter (medium size, sp.?), 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 3; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Long-eared Owl, 1; Short-eared Owl, 3; Barred Owl, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Horned Lark, 75; Blue Jay, 37; American Crow, 16; Starling, 205; [Eastern] Meadowlark, 30; Purple Finch, 46; Goldfinch, 12; Pine Siskin, 7; Snow Bunting, 15; Savannah Sparrow, 2 (approached closely on open salt marsh, median crown line of white, light yellowish superciliary line, characteristic 'chip' and other plumage characteristics noted); White-throated Sparrow, 12; [American] Tree Sparrow, 82; Field Sparrow, 2 (together); Slate-colored Junco, 92; Song Sparrow, 76; Swamp Sparrow, 3; Fox Sparrow, 4 (together); Cardinal, 3; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 2; Winter Wren, 1; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 5; Tufted Titmouse, 4; Black-capped Chickadee, 7; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 11. Total, 39 species, about 1,300 individuals. Call of Night Heron heard on salt marsh after dark but bird not seen. Full song from one Song Sparrow; several White-throats singing; male Marsh Hawk calling long rolling 'Flicker' call repeatedly (never before heard by writer in winter); 2 Short-eared Owls calling; many other species noisier than usual in December.

Charles Urner. -------------------------- Moorestown, N. J. 24 December 1922; 8A.M. to 12.30 P.M. Foggy until after 9 A.M.; ground bare; no wind; temperature 30F at start, 40F at return. Visited various localities by automobile within 5 miles radius of Moorestown; about 5 miles on foot. Observers together. Marsh Hawk, 1; Hawk (large), I; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Downy Woodpecker, 12; Blue Jay, 4; Crow, 108; Starling, 75; Meadowlark, 1; [American] Goldfinch, 6; White-throated Sparrow, 66; Tree Sparrow, 1; Field Sparrow, 2; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 150; Fox Sparrow, 1; Song Sparrow, 40; [Northern] Cardinal, 9; White-breasted Nuthatch, 1; Tufted Titmouse, 2; Black-capped Chickadee, 9; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3; Robin, 3. Total, 21 species, 496 individuals. On Dec. 25 observed in the same locality Herring Gull, 1; Brown Creeper, 1.

M. Albert Linton and Alfred C. Borton.


Morristown, N. J. (Lake Road and Speedwell Park to Evergreen Cemetery and Monroe). 24 December 1922; 7.30 to 11A.M. and 1P.M to 4P.M. Overcast; 1 inch of crusted snow, with considerable bare ground; wind southwest to northwest, very light; temp. 26F to 38F. About 10 miles on foot. Red-shouldered Hawk, 2; Kingfisher, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 5; Downy Woodpecker, 6; Blue Jay, 71; Crow, 37; Starling, 123; Purple Finch, 7 (in song); Goldfinch, 15; White-throated Sparrow, 8; Tree Sparrow, 67; Field Sparrow, 1; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 116; Song Sparrow, 42 (in song); Winter Wren, 5; Brown Creeper, 8; White-breasted Nuthatch, 16; [Black-capped] Chickadee, 21; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 8; Robin, 3 (together); Bluebird, 1. Total, 21 species, about 563 individuals.

R.C. Caskey (accompanied by Mrs. Caskey in A.M.).

----------------------- Mount Holly, N. J. 24 December 1922; 7.30A.M. to noon, 1.30 to 4.30P.M. Very foggy, cleared about 10.30A.M., ground bare; wind north, light; temp. at start 30F, return 35F. Walked Lumberton to Hainesport and followed the Rancocas Creek for about six miles. Black Duck, 1; Killdeer, 3; Red-tailed Hawk, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 4; [Northern] Flicker, 1; Blue Jay, 4; Crow (roost), 15,000; Starling, 25; Goldfinch, 2; Pine Siskin, 3; White-throated Sparrow, 10; Tree Sparrow, 7; Junco, 50; Song Sparrow, 3; Cardinal, 8; Brown Creeper, 5; Carolina Chickadee, 4; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 6; Robin, 1; [Eastern] Bluebird, 10. Total, 20 species, 15,1149 individuals. Hairy Woodpecker, Dec. 23; White-breasted Nuthatch, Dec. 26.

Nelson DeW. Pumyea.

--------------------- Newark, N.J. 23 December 1922; 9.30A.M. to 12.30P.M. Branch Brook Park, 1.30 to 3.30 P.M. Along canal and small streams, also across open country mostly in Bloomfield and Belleville, N.J. Very cloudy to heavy rain in P.M.; patches of old snow on ground; temp. 32F to 36F. About 10 miles on foot (rescued by a passing 'flivver', after rain became heavy). Herring (?) Gull, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Blue Jay, 4; Crow, 2; Starling, 25; White-throated Sparrow, 15; Tree Sparrow, 2; Slate-colored Junco, 7; Song Sparrow, 3; Fox Sparrow, 2; Brown Creeper, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 7. Total, 12 species, 72 individuals.

R.F. Haulenbeek.

------------------------------ New Brunswick, N.J. 24 December 1922; 8.45A.M. to 3P.M., and 3.30 to 4.45 P.M. Mist early in A.M., freezing on the trees, but thawing later; sky slightly overcast; ground nearly bare; very slight northwest wind; temp. 29F to 36F. Herring Gull, 67; Ring-billed Gull, 7; Killdeer, 1; [Ring-necked] Pheasant, 1; Marsh Hawk, 1; Red-tailed Hawk, 2; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; [Belted] Kingfisher, 2; Hairy Woodpecker, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 8; Blue Jay, 29; Crow, 48; Starling, 68; [Eastern] Meadowlark, 46 (2 flocks); Purple Finch, 5; Goldfinch 4; White-throated Sparrow, 28; Tree Sparrow, 99; Junco, 80; Song Sparrow, 61; Swamp Sparrow, 1; [Northern] Cardinal, 1; Winter Wren, 1; Brown Creeper, 9; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; Tufted Titmouse, 10; [Black-capped] Chickadee, 6; Carolina Chickadee, 2; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 9; Robin, 3. Total, 31 species, 604 individuals.

Stuart T. Danforth.

--------------------------------- Northvale, N.J. (to Sneden's Landing, N.Y.); 25 December 1922; 10.45A.M. to 4.15P.M. Weather fine; wind east, very light; ground mostly bare; temp. 45F to 50F. Herring Gull, 10; American Merganser, 5; Scaup Duck, 30; Red-tailed Hawk, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 4; Blue Jay, 2; Crow, 6; Starling, 27; Goldfinch, 4; Pine Siskin, 35; White-throated Sparrow, 23; Tree Sparrow, 20; Junco, 12; Song Sparrow, 1; Winter Wren, 1; [Black-capped] Chickadee, 8; White-breasted Nuthatch, 1; Hermit Thrush, 1; Robin, 2. Total, 19 species, 194 individuals.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley V. La Dow


Boonton, N.J. (and immediate vicinity); 27 December 1922; 9 A.M. to 12.30P.M. and 3 to 4.30P.M. Clear in A.M., overcast in P.M.; ground bare, with patches of old ice; no wind; temp. 40F to 48F to 44F. About 10 miles on foot. Belted Kingfisher, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 5; Blue Jay, 5; Crow, 10; Goldfinch, 8; Tree Sparrow, 4; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 25; Song Sparrow, 2; Brown Creeper, 1; White-breasted Nuthatch, 4; [Black-capped] Chickadee, 11; [Eastern] Bluebird, 6. Total, 13 species, about 83 individuals.

F. Halsted Sillick, Jr.

---------------- Plainfield, N.J. (to Ash Swamp and back.); 24 December 1922; 10A.M. to 6P.M. Fair; some light snow on ground in woods; little wind; mild. Ring-necked Pheasant, 1; Red-tailed Hawk, 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 1; Barred Owl, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 12; [Northern] Flicker, 2; Blue Jay, 18; American Crow, 6; Starling, 75; Purple Finch, 10; Goldfinch, 8 (flock); Pine Siskin, 2; White-throated Sparrow, 15; Tree Sparrow, 85; Field Sparrow, 3 (flock); Junco, 35; Song Sparrow, 10; Swamp Sparrow, 2; Fox Sparrow, 1; Northern Cardinal, 1; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 3; Winter Wren, 1; Brown Creeper, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 7; Tufted Titmouse, 2; Black-capped Chickadee, 4; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 13; Hermit Thrush, 1; Robin, 1. Total, 31 species, 325 individuals.

W. DeW. [Waldron DeWitt] Miller. ------------------------ Princeton, N.J. (to Port Mercer and Mount Rose and back).23 December 1922; 7.15A.M. to 5.15P.M. Cloudy (light snow and rain 12 to 2.30P.M.); ground mostly bare; brooks frozen; wind southwest, light; temp. 36F at 1.30P.M. Fifteen miles on foot; valley of Stony Brook and red cedar groves. American [Common] Merganser, 7 (flock); Mourning Dove, 75 (flock); Marsh Hawk, 1; Red-tailed Hawk, 1; Red-shouldered Hawk, 3; Sparrow Hawk [American Kestrel], 2; Long-eared Owl, 1; [Northern] Saw-whet Owl (fresh remains of), 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 10; Red-headed Woodpecker, 1; [Northern] Flicker, 4; Blue Jay, 5; American Crow, 1,000; Fish Crow, at least 5; Starling, 175; [Eastern] Meadowlark, 2; Purple Finch, 7; Goldfinch, 70 (flock of 65); White-throated Sparrow, 13; Tree Sparrow, 50; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 209; Song Sparrow, 30; Swamp Sparrow, 3; Fox Sparrow, 1; [Northern] Cardinal, 11; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 1; Winter Wren, 2; Brown Creeper, 10; White-breasted Nuthatch, 7; Tufted Tit, 16; Carolina Chickadee, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 4. Total, 32 species, about 1,730 individuals (+House Sparrow, 81). Though so few today, Golden-crowned Kinglets have been remarkably common these three months; Goldfinches, Juncos, and Creepers have also seemed more than usually common. [Eastern] Towhee (male), 1 on Dec. 16; [Eastern]Screech Owl, 1 on Dec. 20; Bluebird, 3 on Dec. 24.

Charles H. Rogers.


Upper Montclair, N.J., and adjacent region (touching Brookdale, Great Notch, Little Falls, West Paterson, Richfield). 23 December 1922; 7.15A.M. to 4.15P.M. Overcast; ground sparsely covered with snow; snow flurries at noon, followed by an occasional drizzle; wind, southwest, light to brisk to light; temp. 32F at start, 35F at return. About 13 miles. Red-shouldered Hawk, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 4; Blue Jay, 19; Crow, 22; Starling, 47; Redpoll, 3; Goldfinch, 19; Pine Siskin, about 23; White-throated Sparrow, 21; Tree Sparrow, about 87; Field (?) Sparrow, 1; [Dark-eyed] Junco, 58; Song Sparrow, 12; [Eastern] Towhee, 1; Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warbler, 1; Winter Wren, 3; Brown Creeper, 3; White-breasted Nuthatch, 5; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2. Total, 19 species, about 332 individuals.

R.H. Howland with Robert Barbour, Mrs. Charles S. Hegeman, Miss L.N. Morris, 9:45A.M. to 12.15P.M.; Rennelson Howland from 2.30P.M.

White-breasted Nuthatch (male) at Pelham Bay Park on 26 Dec 2022 Deborah Allen

NEW YORK REGION (15 October to 15 December 1922). The trees lost their leaves about November 1, but through November the fall continued an open one, and it was not until December that the mercury dropped to around 20F, alternating with snow and rain flurries, and gave notice that the weather had passed from the influence of the sun to that of winter storms.

Golden-crowned Kinglets were more than usually numerous and Winter Wrens less than usually scarce in this region. The departure of a species which winters in small numbers in many places, like the [Northern] Flicker, is not always easy of determination, and it is therefore of interest that the last one was seen flying over Garden City, Long Island, on October 31.

As fall birds ebbed away southward before approaching winter, here and there one lingering beyond its usual date bore evidence that this was a mild year. The following have been noticed by the writer at Garden City: Catbird, November 2; a [Brown] Thrasher seen on November 26, 30, December 31 and it is a bird which will probably winter, and a Hermit Thrush seen on December 3 and 19 may do so; a well marked migration of Robins continued through the first half of December, a small flock on December 6, and single individuals to date having been noted; a small flock of [Eastern] Meadowlarks, December 8, were probably on the move; the species was frequent before that date and has been rare or absent since; a flock of three Cowbirds in gray plumage was noted December 17.

A single Laughing Gull reported near Glen Cove on Long Island Sound, October 29 (L. B. Hunt), is late.

An occasional [Eastern] Towhee sometimes winters in the Englewood, N.J., section. One is reported still present at Demarest, December 19 (B. S. Bowdish).

There was a more than usually marked flight of Pine Siskins on Long Island. At Garden City the first small flock was noted on October 21; they became numerous on November 6, more abundant on November 7, and on November 10 were falling off in numbers and mixed with Goldfinches. They were numerous at Mastic [Long Island] on November 11, flying west near the edge of the woodland one-half mile or more back from the bay, with a few Goldfinches. The following day the Goldfinches were in equal number but the Siskins were gone, with the exception of two or three in a flock of Red Crossbills encountered a mile or so further back, where the deciduous growth gives place to pitch pine. Since mid-November at Garden City only an occasional single Siskin has been seen, the last December 18. A Snowy Owl has been sent in from Long Island and one was reported at Englewood N.J., November 4 (Frank Chapman).

Local bird banders have furnished further evidence of individual Sparrows (of three species) returning to the same winter quarters. On November 6, M.S. Crosby, at Rhinebeck, N.Y., recaptured a banded [Dark-eyed] Junco (No. 27137) first trapped January 21, February 24, and March 19, 1920. The following winter it failed to register at his station, but was again taken January 23 and February 3, 1922. R. H. Rowland's 'Winter' Song Sparrow at Montclair, N.J. (No. 44699) has registered again this winter, December 7. B.S. Bowdish reports two [American] Tree Sparrow returns from Demarest, N.J.: one (No. 6966), banded January 30 last, was retaken December 9, and several times since; another (No. 6996), banded February 19 last, was retaken December 18.

J. T. NICHOLS, New York, N. Y.


Deborah Allen and Robert DeCandido PhD

Follow our Bird Sightings on Twitter: @DAllenNYC and/or @BirdingBobNYC

Red-tailed Hawk (see details below) in Central Park 25 December 2022 Sandra Critelli

Thank You to Dan Bright for doing the research to track down the info behind the band.


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