Christmas Bird Counts 100 years ago: CONNECTICUT and NEW JERSEY (December 1923)
What Might You See This Week?
Please have a look at Bob's weekly narrative report on what was seen on his Central Park walks in recent days and weeks. A good way to predict what birds you might possibly see on this week's walks.
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Christmas Bird Counts: LONG ISLAND (1923) and the BRONX (1933):
Christmas Bird Count Season Begins: Central Park/NYC in 1923 and 2023
The Ethics of Watching OWLS in NYC - February 2023
An Old-time Naturalist in Central Park 1895-1915: Anne Crolius
The Long-eared Owls of Kikinda SERBIA
Christmas Bird Counts of 1922: Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
The 1922 NYC Christmas Bird Count (+ back home from Namibia/Botswana)
Birding during the First World War: Candles in the Rain
Who Discovered the Slaty-backed Gull in Central Park? The Spanish Inquisition.
The Bald Eagle in NYC 1866 to 2022
Birding NYC: Christmas Bird Counts 1921 + Central Park Bird Walks 2021
Mega Bird Migration Now Now Now - Central Park October 2021
Last Call Winter Bird Walks: Central Park
Gyrfalcons, Golden Eagles + = Winter Birds of the Short-Grass Prairie
GEESE! Grand Birds of NYC in Winter
OWL MAN: Irving Kassoy, Barn Owls and the BCBC
Wishing You Eastern Screech-owls for Mid-January 2020
Winter Birds of the NYC Area - Jan. 2020
Iceland Gull (Central Park) + Christmas Bird Counts 1919: LI, SI, NJ and CT